iloveblossom KNOTS OF LOVE RING // twisted silver
Gute Wahl! Das Produkt iloveblossom KNOTS OF LOVE RING // twisted silver wurde erfolgreich in Deinen Warenkorb gelegt.

Verantwortliche Person für die EU

iloveblossom e.U.
Irene Sator
Obere Weißgerberstraße 20/32
1030 Wien
E-Mail Adresse:
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USt. IDNr.: ATU57289918

iloveblossom KNOTS OF LOVE RING // twisted silver

Regulärer Preis: € 26,00

Sonderpreis: € 14,00

Preis inkl. MwSt. (soweit erhoben),
zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager! In 2-3 Tagen versandbereit. Versand voraussichtlich: 11. – 13. Februar 2025

Verkäufer akzeptiert:

SALE !!!

Der Ring ist im Sale! Statt 29 Euro kostet er jetzt nur 14 Euro!

Love and relationships are a lot like knots.
Like knots relationships are not originally pre-assembled
Instead, some assembly is required and maintenance is expected.
The strength of your knot should get stronger in time.
Knots can have one rope but the stronger need two.
Carefully woven within each other two ropes become one.
With every tie with every twist its strength becomes stronger and stronger
Some knots are temporary and some are never undone.
You the couple are the ropes, your relationship the knot
How tight you tie it is up to you both only you can decide.
Just remember the stronger you make your knot now
The harder it will be to untie.

von Tim Romines

Knoten Ring aus Sterling Silber. XXS=15,3 mm, XS=16 mm, S=17 mm, M=17,5 mm, L=18,3 mm, XL=19 mm Durchmesser.
Art. Nr. ILB_KoL*t*s*
Verkäufer iloveblossom e.U.
Sicherheit Verantwortliche Person (EU)

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